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How to Identify a Chronically Hurtful
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Once again,
BetterHealthBytes is delighted to welcome guest author Roxanne Livingston, M.A., author of Chronically Hurtful
People: How to Identify and Deal with the Difficult, Destructive, and
Chronically hurtful people, or CHPs, are those among us who are uninterested in
the negative consequences their behavior has for others. A CHP in one's life may be a relative, a colleague, a
neighbor or any significant other. Actively noticing the following may help to avoid the hurt that most often will
result for anyone who attempts to have an equitable or mutual relationship with a
1. Image Trumps Substance. A
CHP may "look good" and do nothing, making promises and commitments that never quite come to pass. CHPs are expert
at fooling others and eliciting support. Their self-promotion tactics are many, and take center stage over
activities which genuinely serve the general welfare, or common good, no matter how it appears on the
2. Power and Control versus Love and Cooperation.
Winning at all costs, and staying "one-up" is par for the course. CHPs refuse to be
changed by another person, and tend to believe that personal gain in whatever endeavor is their birthright. In
private relationships their defenses will take precedence over the distress of their partner, often no matter what
the issue at hand. Power, not problem solving is foremost for a CHP.
3. A Lack of Reciprocity.
Any relationship involves reciprocal change. There is an innate sense of "fairness"
in most of us, whether consciously acknowledged or not. When this is violated, the setting of mutual goals or
problem solving ceases.
4. Drama and Excitement instead of Relationship.
The CHP sets up action to avoid his or her emptiness inside. This may include, lying,
stealing, cheating, causing "accidents", or whatever. Significant others may spend a good deal of time "putting out
the fires" set by the CHP in their lives.
5. Fear Based Actions
The CHP does not acknowledge his or her "dark side", or "shadow." He or she often
projects aggressive impulses on others and then feels quite justified in"striking back."
6. Ignores Interdependence CHPs refuse to face their own dependency needs, and deny the help received from others and social
systems they have needed to have accomplished whatever they have accomplished.
7. Avoids Responsibility for Messes They Make.
Even when irrefutable evidence shows error on the CHP's part, he/she will blame
others and make excuses. When push comes to shove, rather than taking full responsibility, CHPs will lapse into a
victim position, i.e. "I'm just a damaged person" or "I don't know why I am so awful", in an attempt to gain
advantage by eliciting support and compassion.
8. Demands Special Treatment.
Rules don't apply to CHPs. They may become righteously angry if someone cuts in line
in front of them, but feel entitled to that behavior when the shoe is on the other foot.
9. Saying and Doing Don't Match.
The track record of anyone is important. For example, all of us make mistakes. But
"I'm sorry," without changes in behavior means nothing. Likewise, saying such and such is a plan, or claiming to
hold a particular value, and then behaving quite the opposite is common with a CHP.
Once one recognizes a CHP, the temptation is to want to "help" him or her see the
light, change, or whatever. However, the first course of action to take is self-care. CHPs don't see themselves as
the problem. They, however, cause problems for others and society.
For more information see Roxanne K.
Livingston, the author of
Chronically Hurtful People:
How to Identify and Deal with the Difficult, Destructive, and
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Roxanne Livingston, M.A. is a licensed professional
counselor who spent 30 some years counselling inmates in prison. What she learned there is something we all need to
be know. Happily she is sharing it through her book, Chronically Hurtful People, and these articles. She can
be reached at
Roxanne Livingston, M.A.
March 3, 2014
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Tags: Abusive relationships difficult people narcissistic people self-absorbed people dealing with difficult people hurtful relationships relationships that hurt difficult bosses emotional competence
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