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Prevent Sparking Dangerous Fires when Refueling
Eliminate These Dangers

A series of mysterious fires - some 150 of them - have occurred during refueling vehicles. Luckily, several companies, including the Petroleum Equipment Institute's Bob Renkes, have researched the problem . Mr. Renkes found that:

1) Out of 150 cases, almost all of them were women.

2) Almost all cases involved the person getting back in their vehicle while the nozzle was still pumping gas. When they slid back out of the vehicle, their bodies held a static electric charge. This static spark ignited the fire when they pulled the nozzle out.

3) Most had on rubber-soled shoes.

4) Most men finish pumping gas before they get back in their vehicle; which is why the incidence of such fires is much lower.

5) The gas that vaporizes from the liquid gas when connected to a static charge from the body or from a cell phone is what causes the fires and explosion.

6) Twenty-nine fires resulted from reentering the vehicle while refueling, building up a static charge when sliding in and out and then touching the nozzle during refueling. The result was extensive damage to the vehicle, the station, and the customer.

7) Seventeen fires occurred before, during or immediately after the gas cap was removed and before fueling began.

The bottom line is this: static electricity can ignite the vapors from gas. To stay safe:

1. NEVER use your cell phone when pumping gas. Turn it off and leave it in the car.

2. Turn off your engine.

3. Don't smoke.

4. NEVER get back in your car while pumping gas.

Last, if you have to break that second rule for some emergency - perhaps your baby is suddenly choking in the back seat - when you get back out of the car, close the door, then touch the metal of the car before you pull out the nozzle. This discharges the static buildup from your body before you release gas fumes when you pull out the nozzle..

Note: Thanks to The Petroleum Institute and their campaign "Stop Static". They have further resources listed on their web page at www.pei.org/content/stop-static-campaign.

Pamela Levin is an R.N. and Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst. In private practice 45 years, she has taught and trained professional and lay audiences worldwide. A nutritional journalist and award-winning author, she writes about practical tips you can use to improve your health and well-being.

Pamela Levin, R.N.
November 9, 2015

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Tags: gas fires gas explosion static discharge gas stations dangerous static fires refueling gas stations safety on the road refueling danger explosions


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                              Source: http://www.betterhealthbytes.com


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Pamela Levin is an R.N. and a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst who has been in private practice offering health improvement services for 40 years.

She has over 500 post-graduate hours of training in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kineseology.

She has published many professional journal and lay audience articles and has an international reputation in the fields of emotional development, emotional intelligence and Transactional Analysis.

For her work in these areas, she was awarded the prestigious Eric Berne Award by members of the International Transactional Analysis Association in 72 countries.

She has lectured and trained both lay and professional audiences all over the world.

Her work is continues to be used  throughout North and South America, The UK, Europe, Asia and Australia.

She has personally researched the key emotional nutrients™ she makes available through this site.

They have consistently been demonstrated to be the core nutrients people need to feed all the six parts of their emotional selves. 

People from all cultures and languages in all parts of the world have used them since she first made them public in 1974 to feed their emotional selves, move from surviving to thriving, release limiting beliefs, improve parenting skills and more.

