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To Ditch Diabetes & Blood Sugar Problems -
Learn from People Who Have |
Here are some top strategies people have used to ditch diabetes |
Diabetes and related blood sugar handling issues are dramatically increasing, yet some people are ditching
their diabetes entirely. Here are some things they're doing...
Everybody wants their pancreatic functioning to be working
right, meaning their:
• blood sugar is maintained automatically,
• their increased energy demand is met without further ado as they become more active, and
• their signaling that it’s time to eat is operating appropriately.
But, oh, my. Let any part of that pancreatic subroutine get out of whack, and there’s big trouble.
All the way from mild headache to shaking, dizziness and weakness to brain fog (often called hypglycemia) to
life-threatening physical shutdown that can characterize a brittle diabetic.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that:
• In 2014 the global prevalence of diabetes * was estimated to be 9% among adults aged 18+ years;
• In 2012, an estimated 1.5 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes;
• More than 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries;
• WHO projects that diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death in 2030.
What can be done? Here are some strategies people have used to turn the situation around entirely. They are
presented here because if one person do it, then likely many - if not most - even all - people can do it!
Just be sure to work with your qualified health practitioner if you decide you want to implement any of
these strategies.
1. Absolutely eliminate corn syrup (high fructose corn syrup) from your diet. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
has known since 1930 that corn syrup (high fructose corn syrup) literally kills the beta cells of the pancreas, the
insulin-producing cells. Although the FDA has refused to regulate corn syrup out of the food supply (industry
pressures), you can eliminate it. To do so you will need to become a first-class label reader, and then simply not
buy (or eat) anything that contains it.
2. Undertake periodic parasite cleanses, because infestations of parasites literally can cause blood sugar
problems, including full blown diabetes. This is especially true for juvenile onset diabetes.. Te bottom line is
that it is essential to restoring and maintaining good pancreatic functioning to get those critters gone, including
their eggs.
3. Find out and eliminate your food intolerances from your diet. They can affect your pancreas directly, making it
‘scramble’ to attempt to metabolize the food. Removing the food from your diet removes the pancreatic stress and
contributes considerably to normalizing its function.
4. Nothing makes your pancreas overwork to exhaustion and beyond like refined carbohydrates. That’s because they
cause a rapid rise in your blood insulin levels followed by a rapid fall. Simple (or refined) carbohydrate foods
include potato
chips, candy, white rice, French fries, sugary soft drinks, potatoes, white bread, most breakfast cereals and
deserts, including cake, pies and ice cream. Don't want blood sugar issues? Say good-bye to these foods.
5. To take the stress off your pancreas, exercise! Simply put, exercise helps normalize blood sugar regulation.
6. Eat more raw foods because they are enzyme-rich. Whole organic fruits and vegetables and their fresh juices
contain these essential living food factors.
7. Feel (or even know) your pancreas needs some extra help? Consider the following supplements:
Inositol, a B vitamin, provides energy for your brain and nerves. In so doing it helps
manage sugar cravings by reducing them. Inositol is deficient in diabetics, resulting in poor fat metabolism. This
in turn causes buildup of cholesterol, which creates congestion in extremities, impairing circulation. If serious
enough, this results in gangrene. Supplementation can prevent or reverse this, assuming that it’s initiated in
GTF Chromium The ‘GTF’ stands for glucose tolerance factor. GTF Chromium contains B
vitamins and chromium, which helps your cells be sensitive to, rather than resistant to insulin. This is how it
reduces cravings for those harmful carbohydrates. A brain whose cells are resistant to insulin is not getting
enough energy to operate, and its objection takes the form of signals to send sugar.
Spanish Black Radish can help detoxify your pancreas. This is especially useful when
pancreatic imbalances are related to food intolerances. This herb root helps clean out the incompletely metabolized
digestive products.
Trace minerals that include chelated zinc, copper, and iron in a balanced ratio are often
a missing factor in pancreatic issues. Deficiency symptoms of these minerals include acne, poor soft tissue
healing, blood sugar disturbances, and poor
immune responses.
Pancreatic Enzymes Products containing lipase, amylase and protease can help digest your
food, thus removing the stress of food that remains undigested. Also, supplementing with such enzymes gives a tired
pancreas a rest, which is often what it
needs to spend more of its energy on repair and regeneration.
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) is a major herb for pancreatic normalization. Called the
‘sugar destroyer’ in Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used for thousands of years to help maintain blood sugar
control. It helps manage sugar cravings, when taken for at least two to four weeks. It has also been scientifically
demonstrated to actually regenerate the beta, or insulin-producing cells of the pancreas when taken long-term (more
than 18 months).
Last, it may inspire you to know that some practitioners are reporting turning around diabetes entirely with severe
caloric restriction (at least 2 to 3 weeks). Apparently this stimulates the body to clean out the fatty liver and
pancreatic deposits that are interfering with pqncreatic functioning. This dynamic was made clear when diabetics
who'd just had gastric bypass surgery, which results in immediate caloric
restriction, no longer had diabetes a few weeks after their surgeries.
Indeed, these are not some crackpot ideas. The World Health Organization is aware of some of them. They state that
"Healthy diet, regular physical activity, maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding tobacco use can prevent or
delay the onset
of type 2 diabetes."
Apparently getting diabetes is a process, and there's an effective process for 'un-getting' it too!
Portions of this article were excerpted from the Natural
Female Hormone Care series of lessons. For more information, go to, and while there, you can get a
complementary 200+item checklist you can use to see for yourself how many of your symptoms are due to hormone
imbalances of any kind.
Pamela Levin is an R.N. & a Teaching & Supervising Transactional Analyst with hundreds of post-graduate
hours in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kinesiology. An award winning author and nutritional journalist,
she draws on 50 years' professional experience and insider relationships with expert health professionals to bring
you health improvement topics you can actually put to use.
Pamela Levin, R.N., T.S.T.A.
March 9, 2015
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Tags: gymnema herb normal glucose levels normal blood sugar normal blood sugar level diabetes risk how do you get diabetes diabetes news
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